The Aroma of Freshness: Growing Basil at Home

Growing Basil indoor

Basil, with its lush green leaves and aromatic presence, is more than just a culinary delight. It’s a versatile herb that’s easy to grow and offers numerous health benefits. Growing basil at home brings fresh flavors to your kitchen and a delightful fragrance to your living space. Let’s explore how to cultivate this wonderful herb right in your own home.

Growing Basil indoor

Why Should You Grow Basil at Home? Growing basil at home has several advantages:

  • Freshness and Flavor: Homegrown basil is fresher and more flavorful than store-bought varieties.
  • Health Benefits: Basil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Easy and Rewarding: It’s a simple and satisfying process, even for novice gardeners.
  • Versatility in Cooking: Fresh basil can transform a dish with its unique flavor and is a staple in many cuisines.
Health Benefits of Basil

Planting Basil

  • Seed Selection: Begin with high-quality basil seeds, or you can opt for a small plant from a nursery.
  • Soil Requirements: Basil thrives in well-drained, fertile soil. For the best results, use Pmnatura Harmony Soilless Potting Mix, which provides the perfect balance of nutrients and drainage. Its organic composition ensures your basil grows healthily. When you purchase our Harmony Potting Mix, you’ll also receive free basil seeds as part of the combo pack, giving you everything you need to start your basil garden.
  • Planting Time: The ideal time to plant basil is after the last spring frost. This herb loves warm weather and is sensitive to frost.

Growing in Container

  • Container Choice: If space is limited, growing basil in a container is a great option. Choose a pot with adequate drainage holes.
  • Soil for Containers: Use a high-quality organic potting mix.
  • Sunlight: Place the container in a spot that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.
  • Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Basil does not like to sit in water.
  • Fertilization: Use an organic liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks for healthy growth.
Growing basil in a container

Harvesting Basil

  • When to Harvest: Start harvesting when the plant is about 6-8 inches tall. Regular harvesting encourages more growth.
  • How to Harvest: Pick leaves as needed. Snip off the upper leaves first, and always leave enough leaves for the plant to continue growing.
  • Preserving Basil: You can dry or freeze the leaves for later use.
Harvesting Basil at home

Growing basil at home is a delightful experience that enhances both your garden and your cooking. It’s a small but significant step towards a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. With its ease of care and multiple uses, basil is an excellent herb for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike. So, start

5 Essential Tips for Planting and Growing Flower Bulbs in Your Garden

Planting Flower Bulbs
Planting Flower Bulbs

Flower bulbs bring color and vibrancy to any garden. Whether a novice or an expert, these tips will guide you to a beautiful floral display, featuring bulbs like those in our Rain Lily collection.

Choose the Right Bulbs: Select bulbs that are suited to your climate and soil type. Look for healthy, firm bulbs. Consider the bloom time to ensure a staggered flowering throughout the season.

Top Flower Bulbs for Gardens

1.Time Your Planting:

Spring bloomers like Rain Lilies should be planted post-frost in spring. This timing ensures optimal growth and flowering.Fall is an excellent time for planting spring-blooming bulbs, while spring is ideal for summer-blooming bulbs.

2.Prepare the Soil: Good soil is crucial. Enhance your garden’s soil with compost or opt for a ready-made solution like Pmnatura Harmony Soilless Potting Mix, which provides an ideal, nutrient-rich environment for bulb growth.

3.Plant at the Right Depth and Spacing: Plant bulbs two to three times their height deep and space them out by at least twice the bulb’s width. Proper spacing is essential for bulbs to flourish.

Most bulbs have a pointed end that should face upwards. If it’s hard to tell, plant the bulb on its side; the plant will find its way up.

Best Bulbs for Flower Gardens

5.After planting, give your bulbs a good watering. This helps settle the soil. However, avoid overwatering as it can lead to bulb rot.

Applying a layer of mulch can help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and provide insulation during colder months.

Once your bulbs have bloomed, resist the urge to cut back the foliage. The leaves gather sunlight to recharge the bulb for the next season. Only remove the leaves when they yellow and die back naturally.

Watering flower bulbs

Planting and nurturing flower bulbs, such as those in our Rain Lily collection, is a rewarding gardening endeavor. Following these tips will lead to a garden filled with color and life. Embrace the process, and soon, your garden will be a showcase of floral beauty.

Remember: A garden’s charm is enhanced by the care and attention it receives. Explore our Rain Lily bulbs and more to start your journey into the enchanting world of flower bulbs. Happy gardening!

Urban Green Thumbs: A Guide to Growing Vegetables and Herbs in Apartments

Urban Apartment Gardening
Urban Apartment Gardening

Urban living often means compromising on garden space, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a thriving garden of your own. Apartment gardening is a creative solution that brings the joy of growing fresh herbs and vegetables into smaller, urban spaces. This guide is your comprehensive companion to starting and maintaining a flourishing apartment garden.

Maximizing Limited Space 

Before you begin, assess your available space. Balconies, patios, windowsills, and even wall space can be transformed into productive green areas. Understanding the direction of sunlight and the duration of light exposure helps in planning the layout of your garden.

balcony garden

Choosing the Right Plants

Not all plants are suited for apartment living. For herbs, consider basil, mint, coriander, and parsley. For vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and radishes are great choices. These plants are not only adaptable to container gardening but also have relatively simple care needs.

Essential Supplies for Urban Gardening

Your urban gardening toolkit should include:

  • Suitable containers: Pots, window boxes, or vertical planters.
  • High-quality potting soil: Opt for organic, nutrient-rich mixes. PmNatura’s Harmony 10-in-1 Soilless Potting Mix is an excellent choice, offering a balanced, nutrient-rich environment for your plants.
  • Seeds or starter plants: Choose organic and non-GMO varieties for healthier produce. Our PmNatura Organic Non-GMO Seeds provide a healthy and robust start for your garden.
  • A watering can with a long spout for ease.
  • Basic tools: Trowels, pruning shears, and gloves.
Gardening tools

Comprehensive Plant Care in Small Spaces

  • Water plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Rotate pots occasionally to ensure even sunlight exposure.
  • Fertilize every few weeks with an organic fertilizer to replenish nutrients.

For this purpose, PmNatura’s range of five-stage products is ideally suited to provide comprehensive care.

Troubleshooting in Urban Gardening

Common challenges include limited light, pest infestations, and space constraints. Adjust the position of plants to optimize light, use organic pest control methods, and be creative with vertical gardening techniques.

The Multifold Benefits of Apartment Gardening

  • Fresh, Organic Produce: Enjoy the health benefits of home-grown herbs and vegetables.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Gardening is a stress-reliever and offers a sense of accomplishment.
  • Eco-Friendly: Reduces your carbon footprint and promotes sustainable living.

Apartment gardening in urban Indian homes is not just about fresh produce; it’s about creating a personal oasis of greenery. With the right approach and PmNatura’s specialized products, you can transform even the smallest spaces into verdant, productive gardens.

Choosing the Perfect Potting Mix for Your Gardening: The Importance of Healthy Soil

Best soilless potting mix

Gardening is not just a pastime; it’s an art form where every element plays a crucial role in the tapestry of growth. Central to this art is the soil – the foundation of your garden’s health and beauty. The right potting mix can be the difference between a thriving garden and a struggling one. This brings us to the heart of the matter: how do you choose the perfect potting mix for your garden?

The Role of Potting Mix in Gardening

A good potting mix does more than just hold your plants in place. It’s a vibrant ecosystem that nurtures and supports your plants in multiple ways:

  1. Nutrition: Provides essential nutrients for plant growth.
  2. Aeration: Allows roots to breathe and grow freely.
  3. Water Retention: Maintains adequate moisture while preventing waterlogging.
  4. Support: Offers the right texture and density to support plants at various growth stages.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Potting Mix

  1. Type of Plants: Different plants have unique soil needs. While succulents prefer a well-draining mix, leafy vegetables thrive in nutrient-rich soil.
  2. Pot Size and Type: Larger pots require a mix that retains moisture longer, whereas small or shallow pots need a lighter mix to prevent water retention.
  3. Indoor vs. Outdoor: Outdoor plants might need a heavier mix to withstand elements, whereas indoor plants generally do well with a lighter, more sterile mix.
  4. Organic vs. Inorganic: Organic mixes, composed of natural materials, are better for sustainability and plant health in the long term.

Introducing PmNatura Harmony 10-in-1 Soilless Potting Mix

Now, let’s talk about a game-changer in the world of gardening – PmNatura Harmony 10-in-1 Soilless Potting Mix. This mix is a perfect example of what an ideal potting mix should be:

  • Nutrient-Rich Composition: The Harmony mix includes a blend of ten high-quality natural fertilizers like Growth promoter, Perlite, Cocopeat, Micronutrients, vermicompost, Bone meal, Eggshell powder, Neem pulp, Volcanic rock powder, Robust roots (A Liquid plant fertilizer) providing a balanced diet for your plants.
  • Superior Water Retention and Drainage: It strikes the perfect balance between retaining enough water for plant needs and draining excess to prevent root rot.
  • Light and Fluffy Texture: This ensures good root growth and easy transplanting.
  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Being soilless, it’s a step towards sustainable gardening, reducing the strain on natural soil resources.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of plants, from flowers to vegetables, and perfect for both indoor and outdoor settings.

The PmNatura Promise

At PmNatura, we believe in providing gardeners with products that not only boost their garden’s health but also align with eco-friendly practices. The Harmony 10-in-1 Soilless Potting Mix is our commitment to this belief – a blend that supports your plants and the planet alike.

In Conclusion

Choosing the right potting mix is a fundamental step in your gardening journey. With the PmNatura Harmony mix, you’re not just choosing a potting medium; you’re choosing a partner in your garden’s growth story. Happy gardening, and here’s to the flourishing of your green haven

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Nature’s Symphony: Unveiling the Magic of PmNatura’s 5-stages-of-liquid-plant-food

Welcome to the world of PmNatura, where every stage of your gardening journey is nurtured to perfection. Imagine a symphony where each note plays its part harmoniously – this is what PmNatura offers with its unique 5-stage nutrition plan for plants. From the initial sprout of a seed to the full bloom of a flower, every phase of your plant’s life cycle is thoughtfully catered to. Our range of products – Seed Booster, Robust Roots, Shiny Foliage, Bloom Magic, and Champion – are meticulously formulated to provide targeted care at each critical stage. This holistic approach ensures that your plants don’t just grow, but thrive with vigor and beauty. Join us as we delve into the essence of each product, unveiling how they collectively create a haven of lush, vibrant, and healthy plants in your garden.

Stage 1: Seed Booster

Welcome to the transformative world of PM Natura Seed Booster, a game-changer in gardening and farming. This innovative product is a blend of nature’s best: antifungal Neem and Pungam oils, pest-repelling Citronella oil, and germ-eliminating Reetha (Soapnuts). Designed for maximum seed health and germination, it’s a blend that promises vigorous plant growth.

Using the Seed Booster is simple: mix 25ml with 1 liter of water, soak your seeds for 30 to 45 minutes, and then either dry them or plant directly. This easy process ensures that your seeds are enveloped in a nurturing cocoon, ready to sprout into healthy, robust plants.

Stage 2: Robust Roots

Welcome to the green revolution with PmNatura Robust Roots – the ultimate solution to transform your garden. Our unique BioFertilizer is a symphony of nature’s finest ingredients, including Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi, beneficial Pseudomonas, and Rhizobium, enriched with a blend of essential amino acids, enzymes, and vital plant hormones like Cytokinins, Auxins, and Gibberellins. Each component is meticulously chosen to enhance root density, boost plant immunity, and foster vigorous growth.

With a simple application of just 5ml mixed in 1 liter of water, Robust Roots effortlessly integrates into your regular gardening routine, promising a lush, healthy garden. Experience the power of nature with every application, and watch your plants thrive like never before

Stage 3: Shiny Foliage

Dive into the lush, vibrant essence of gardening with PmNatura Shiny Foliage, a breakthrough in plant nourishment and health. Central to our formula is the revolutionary Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylobacteria (PPFM), a powerhouse for boosting plant biomass and overall vitality. Infused with natural osmoprotectants such as sugars and alcohols, Shiny Foliage enhances chlorophyll content, amplifies photosynthetic efficiency, and fortifies drought resistance in plants.

For optimal results, a mix of 5 ml of Shiny Foliage with 1 liter of water, applied as a foliar spray, will unlock the true potential of your greenery. This simple application promises a garden that thrives with health, yields abundantly, and beams with lush foliage. Embrace the magic of PmNatura Shiny Foliage and witness the transformation in your garden

Stage 4: Bloom Magic

Step into the enchanting world of vibrant blooms with PmNatura’s Bloom Magic, a garden alchemist’s dream come true. At its heart, Bloom Magic boasts a rich blend of Ascophyllum nodosum (seaweed), a treasure trove of growth stimulants, and BIOPOTASH, which enriches flowers with vital nutrients. This liquid elixir is further empowered by soluble chelated amino acids and a consortium of essential micro-nutrients like Zinc and Boron, ensuring your blooms receive all-around nourishment.

Designed for simplicity, a dosage of 5ml mixed with 1 liter of water creates the perfect potion to sprinkle over your flowering plants. This organic concoction is the secret behind flourishing, vibrant blossoms that captivate and inspire, transforming your garden into a haven of natural beauty.

Stage 5: Champion

Dive into the nurturing embrace of PmNatura’s “Champion,” your ultimate ally in the garden. This masterfully formulated solution is a blend of nature’s most powerful elements. It features a high concentration of Neem oil, the revitalizing properties of Ascophyllum nodosum (brown seaweed) extract, and a meticulously balanced mix of macro and micro-nutrients. Enhanced with the defensive strength of Neem Astra, Champion acts as a formidable barrier against a variety of pests and diseases. More than just plant nutrition, Champion is a holistic care regimen for your plants.

Begin with a 5 ml mix per liter of water for a 3-week intensive care phase, then shift to a maintenance routine of 5 ml per liter weekly. This approach ensures a constant infusion of the best natural care, fostering strong, vibrant growth. For every gardening enthusiast, from novices to experts, Champion is the secret to a thriving garden.

Benefits of Having a Herbal Garden in Urban Indian Homes

Indoor Herbal Garden Benefits
Indoor Herbal Garden Benefits

In the bustling life of urban India, a touch of green can bring a sense of peace and wellbeing. Herbal gardens, even in the smallest of urban spaces, offer a multitude of benefits, ranging from health to environmental perks. Here’s why every urban Indian home should consider cultivating an herbal garden:

Health and Wellness at Your Fingertips

1. Fresh Herbs for Cooking: Imagine having access to fresh herbs like coriander, mint, and basil, right from your balcony or window sill. These herbs not only add flavor to your dishes but also offer numerous health benefits.

2. Medicinal Properties: Many herbs, such as Tulasi and lemongrass, have medicinal properties. They can be used in home remedies to boost immunity, relieve stress, and aid in digestion.

3. Mental Health Benefits: Gardening is a therapeutic activity. Nurturing plants can reduce stress and promote a sense of wellbeing.

Fresh Herbs Culinary Uses

Environmental Impact

1. Air Quality: Plants improve air quality. In urban areas, where pollution is a significant concern, having an herbal garden helps purify the air.

2. Promoting Biodiversity: Even a small garden can attract beneficial insects and birds, promoting local biodiversity.

3. Reducing Carbon Footprint: Growing your herbs reduces the need for store-bought, packaged herbs, thereby cutting down on plastic waste and food miles.

beneficial insects

The Joy of Gardening

1. Educational for Children: Gardening can be a fun and educational activity for children, teaching them about nature and responsibility.

2. Aesthetic Appeal: A well-maintained herbal garden adds beauty to your urban home, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

3. Community Building: Sharing herbs or gardening tips with neighbors can help build a sense of community.

Children's Garden Education

Nurturing Your Urban Herbal Garden with PmNatura

To ensure the success of your urban herbal garden, it’s vital to provide your plants with the right care and nutrients. This is where PmNatura’s range of products comes in.

  • PmNatura Seed Booster: Perfect for germinating seeds, this booster ensures your herbal seeds sprout effectively.
  • PmNatura Robust Roots: Ideal for developing strong roots in young plants, ensuring they absorb the maximum nutrients.
  • PmNatura Shiny Foliage: Keeps your herb leaves lush and green, enhancing photosynthesis and plant health.
  • PmNatura Bloom Magic: Encourages vibrant and long-lasting blooms in flowering herbs.
  • PmNatura Champion: Provides overall care, protecting your plants from pests and diseases.

With PmNatura’s products, you can ensure that your urban herbal garden not only survives but thrives. Whether you have a sprawling balcony or a small window space, these products can help transform it into a green oasis.

Top 10 Must-Have Herbs for Every Indian Household

Must have herbs in garden
Must have herbs in garden

Indian kitchens are incomplete without their staple herbs, each bringing unique flavors and health benefits. Growing these herbs at home can be deeply rewarding, especially when nurtured with PmNatura’s specialized range of products. Let’s delve into how you can cultivate these herbs, each with its distinct needs, and how PmNatura supports their growth at every stage.

Tulasi (Holy Basil): Revered in Indian tradition, Tulasi is known for its stress-relieving properties and spiritual significance. It requires warm, sunny conditions and well-drained soil to thrive.

Mint (Pudina): A versatile herb in Indian cuisine, Mint is favored for its refreshing aroma and digestive properties. It prefers cool, moist conditions and partial shade.

Coriander (Dhaniya): Integral to Indian cooking, Coriander is cherished for its antioxidant properties. It requires a balanced mix of sun and shade and well-fertilized soil.

Curry Leaves: Essential for tempering dishes, Curry Leaves are valued for their unique flavor and health benefits, including hair growth promotion.

Aloe Vera: Known for its healing properties, Aloe Vera is a succulent that thrives in dry, sunny environments and is used for skin and hair care.

Fenugreek (Methi): Rich in nutrients, Methi is used both for culinary and medicinal purposes. It prefers full sun and grows quickly in fertile soil.

Ashwagandha: A powerful adaptogen, Ashwagandha is used in Ayurveda for its stress-reducing properties. It grows well in dry, sunny areas.

Chilies: Essential for adding heat to dishes, Chilies are high in vitamins. They need warm conditions and plenty of sunlight.

Lemongrass: Known for its relaxing properties, Lemongrass is used in teas and soups. It loves sun and moisture and can grow quite tall.

Ginger: A staple in Indian cooking, Ginger is renowned for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. It prefers partially shaded areas and moist, rich soil.

How PmNatura Products Support Herb Growth

PmNatura Seed Booster: Ideal for starting seeds like Tulasi and Curry Leaves, this product ensures optimal germination and early sprouting

PmNatura Robust Roots: Perfect for plants like Ashwagandha and Fenugreek, it enhances root strength and nutrient absorption, critical for healthy growth.

PmNatura Shiny Foliage: This is great for leafy herbs like Mint and Lemongrass, ensuring lush, green, and healthy foliage necessary for photosynthesis and plant health.

PmNatura Bloom Magic: When plants like Coriander and Chilies begin to flower and set fruit, this product promotes vibrant and long-lasting blooms, leading to a fruitful harvest.

PmNatura Champion: Ideal for Aloe Vera and other mature plants, it offers balanced nutrition and protects against pests and diseases, ensuring sustained growth and vitality.

Incorporating these herbs into your garden not only adds flavor and fragrance but also brings a touch of traditional wellness to your home. Using PmNatura’s range of products, you can ensure that these herbs receive the care they need at each stage of their growth, from seedling to full bloom. Each product is designed to meet specific needs, providing a comprehensive solution for your herb gardening endeavors.

With PmNatura, experience the joy of growing healthful herbs in your own garden, nurtured to perfection.

How to Grow Organic Tomatoes at Home : A Comprehensive Guide

Organic Cherry tomatoes growing

There’s nothing quite like the taste of a freshly picked, home-grown tomato. Bursting with flavor and packed with nutrients, tomatoes are a favorite among home gardeners, and growing them organically ensures they are healthy and delicious. Here’s a comprehensive guide to growing organic tomatoes at home.

Choosing the Right Variety

  • Select varieties suited to your climate and space. Options include cherry, beefsteak, heirloom, and roma.
  • Consider disease-resistant varieties for a healthier crop.
Varieties of Tomatoes

Starting from Seeds

  • Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date.
  • Use a seed-starting mix and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Provide plenty of light, using grow lights if necessary.
seeds of tomato

Transplanting Seedlings

  • Harden off seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.
  • Transplant them in a sunny spot with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Space plants about 2-3 feet apart to ensure adequate air circulation.

Soil Preparation and Planting

  • Tomatoes thrive in well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.
  • Enrich the soil with organic compost or well-rotted manure.
  • Plant seedlings deep, burying up to two-thirds of the plant to encourage strong roots.

Watering and Mulching

  • Water regularly to keep the soil consistently moist.
  • Avoid overhead watering to prevent diseases.
  • Mulch with organic material to retain moisture and suppress weeds

Organic Fertilization

  • Be mindful to avoid over-fertilizing, as it can result in abundant foliage but lesser fruit production.
  • For a balanced and effective feeding regimen, consider using Pmnatura’s 5-stage range of organic fertilizers, specifically formulated to support each stage of your plant’s growth cycle.
Mulch for Tomato

Pest and Disease Management

  • Regularly check for pests like aphids and tomato hornworms.
  • Rotate crops each year to prevent soil-borne diseases.
  • Pmnatura Champion, an organic solution that combats a variety of pests and diseases while being gentle on your plants and the environment.
Pest and Diseases of Tomato

Supporting Your Tomato Plants

  • Use stakes, cages, or trellises to support growing plants and keep fruit off the ground.
  • This helps prevent diseases and makes harvesting easier.


  • Harvest tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch.
  • Regular harvesting encourages more fruit production.
Support Stakes for tomato

Growing organic tomatoes at home is a rewarding experience that adds flavor and nutrition to your meals. With a little patience and care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of this versatile fruit right from your backyard or balcony.  For those looking to start with a reliable and flavorful variety, consider our Organic Desi Tomato Seeds, perfect for adding that fresh, home-grown taste to your dishes.

Remember, organic gardening is not just about growing food; it’s about growing healthily and sustainably, in harmony with nature. Happy tomato growing!

(2) 499.002,499.00

Beneficial Insects to buy – Importance and List of Beneficial Insects

We have often heard that insects are harmful to plants. But some of us are not aware of one such thing that not all insects found in the garden are harmful. Yes, some of the insects are beneficial to plants and they actually help the plants in sustainable ways. In this blog, you will know about major beneficial insects that are actually beneficial to plants and their importance in natural pest control.


Beneficial insects are insects that benefit the plants and ecosystem by performing different vital activities like pollination and natural control of pests. They are the effective service providers to keep the damage-causing pests in check naturally by feeding on them. So we can call them natural enemies of harmful pests.

Beneficial insects are categorized into 3 types based on their way of approach to natural pest control and pollination as the following

  1. The Predators
    Predatory insects prey and feed on other insects for food.

Eg – Ladybird beetle, ground beetles, lacewings, spiders, aphid midges, syrphid flies, yellow jacket wasps, etc

  1. The Parasitoids
    Adult parasitoids are free-living insects and adult female parasitoids lay eggs inside or on the host insects. Due to this action, immature parasitoids develop within or on the host insects and eventually kill them.

Eg – Parasitic wasps, tachinid flies

  1. The Pollinators
    Pollinators are the group of insects involved in pollination. They visit flowers to feed on nectar and carry pollen from the male part of the flowers (stamen) to the top portion of the female part of the flowers (stigma). Pollinators play a very crucial role in fruit and seed production in plants.

Eg – Honey bees, wild bees, butterflies, moths, and leafcutter bees


Many of us are aware of honey bees and butterflies as we often hear about them and see them in our garden. But many beneficial insects which rarely noticed by us are protecting our plants without our knowledge. Here is the introduction about major beneficial insects that are protecting plants from harmful pests.

  1. Ladybird Beetles/Ladybugs

You may have observed these dome-shaped and bright-colored beetles on plants in the garden. Ladybird beetles are the natural predators of most destructive pests such as aphids, whiteflies, scales, mites, mealybugs, thrips, and other soft-bodied insects. Both larvae and adults of ladybird beetles prey on the serious pests of plants. Larvae (immature form of an insect) feed on soft-bodied pests but they don’t feed on pollen and nectar. The feeding habit of adult ladybird beetles is similar to larvae, in addition to that, they also feed on nectar and pollen. One more interesting fact about the larvae of ladybird beetles is, they can feed on 40 aphids in an hour.

  1. Ground Beetles

The size, shape, and color of ground beetles vary from species to species. Most of them are dark brown to metallic black in color with a flattened hard body. Both adults and larvae of ground beetles are the ferocious predators of caterpillars, thrips, weevils, nematodes, slugs, and grasshopper eggs. Some specialized groups of beetles with hook-shaped mouthparts also feed on snails. Most commonly ground beetles prefer to live under barks of trees, among rocks, or under some low-growing plants to protect themselves from their enemies.

  1. Green Lacewings

Green lacewings are one of the excellent active predators that protect our plants from harmful insects throughout their growing season.  Larvae of green lacewings are beneficial to biological pest management in a wide variety of plants. At their larval stages, green lacewings are voracious feeders of most soft-bodied insects like aphids, mites, small caterpillars, mealybugs, immature whiteflies, and even eggs of some species. Larval green lacewings are popularly known as “aphid lions” because of their voracious predatory nature on aphids.

  1. Spiders                                              

You might have noticed spiders among garden plants. But all of them are not beneficial to the plants. It is necessary to know how to distinguish between harmful and beneficial spiders. It helps to eliminate harmful spiders and allows only beneficial predatory spiders to do their work. Among the spiders, only wolf spiders, sac spiders, orb-weaver spiders, and jumping spiders play an important role in controlling the populations of many harmful insects. They feed on pests including aphids, wasps, beetles, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and fruit flies throughout the growing season.

  1. Syrphid Flies/Hoverflies     

Adult syrphid flies resemble honey bees in their looks. These yellow and black flies are often seen hovering above flowering plants and pest colonies, hence they are also known as hoverflies. Adult syrphid flies are efficient pollinators and they lay their eggs near pest colonies. The emerged syrphid larvae are the natural enemies. Larvae feed on aphids, scales, thrips, and other soft-bodied insects. Syrphid fly larvae look similar to pest caterpillars. The only difference is syrphid fly larvae do not have any legs whereas pests caterpillars have legs.

  1. Praying Mantids 

You have probably seen these eye-catching, triangular-headed insects in your garden before. Their bent and angled body posture make them look like they are praying, thus they are popularly known as praying mantids. Praying mantids are one of the most beneficial predatory insects and they feed on a wide range of pests like caterpillars, moths, beetles, gnats, and crickets. Sometimes female praying mantids feed on male praying mantids just after mating. This type of ecological interaction of consuming another individual of the same species is known as Cannibalism.

  1. Minute Pirate Bug

Minute pirate bugs are one of the efficient predatory bugs that start hunting their prey early in the growing season. These oval-shaped, black and white bugs are most commonly seen during the warmest days of the autumn season. Both nymph (immature form of invertebrates, that resembles adult insects) and adults of minute pirate bugs feed on plant pests including aphids, spider mites, thrips, psyllids, whiteflies, caterpillars, and also on insect eggs.

  1. Aphid Midge

Aphid midges are one of the beneficial predatory insects. They are the most efficient and voracious feeders of 60 types of aphid species and their strategy towards aphid population check is more effective than green lacewings. An individual aphid midge larva can consume up to 65 aphids in a day. Adult female aphid midges usually lay their eggs among the aphid colony so that hatched larvae can get immediate food. Larvae of aphid midges paralyze the legs of aphids by injecting poison into the joints and then they consume them.

  1. Predatory Mites

Predatory mites are the best service providers you need for the natural control of spider mites. These pear-shaped tiny mites are similar to their prey spider mites in looks. But the only difference is predatory mites have long legs when compared to spider mites, this even helps them move faster than their prey. Adult predatory mites feed on spider mites, thrips, gnat larvae, and other pest mites. When there is no pest infestation, predatory mites feed on pollen and nectar without harming the plants.

  1. Tachinid Flies

Tachinid flies are one of the world’s largest groups of parasitoidal beneficial insects. Although they are tiny in size, their service in keeping the pests in check is overwhelming. Tachinid flies somewhat resemble house flies in their looks but you can identify them by their spiny bristles. Most of the tachinid flies are internal parasites. Adult female tachinid flies can insert the eggs inside by piercing the host body and some lay eggs among the pest colonies. After the eggs hatch, maggots of tachinid flies get ingested into the body of the host while consumed by them and then maggots start to develop inside the host body. Eventually, they kill the host. They attack and feed on pests including caterpillars, grasshoppers, sawfly larvae, cutworms, adult and larval beetles.

  1. Parasitic Wasps

We rarely notice the activity of parasitic wasps because of their tiny body. But their importance in biological pest control is immense. They are one of the beneficial insects that offer their efficient service in keeping the pests population in check including aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies, and dotted cucumber beetles. Parasitic wasps lack an ovipositor, hence they can’t insert eggs inside the host body. Instead of that, they lay their eggs on plants that are eaten by their prey. Eaten eggs hatch inside the pest’s body and eventually result in the death of the pest.

  1. Honey Bees

There is no one who has not heard the name of the honey bees. Honey bees are the most popular hardworking beneficial insects in our ecosystem. They are beneficial to humans and plants in many ways. We all are well aware of their service in economically important honey and other hives by-products production. Apart from this, honeybees are the most important part of crop production. They play a very significant role in pollination. When honey bees visit the flowers to collect nectar and pollen, some pollens from the male reproductive part, stamen, stick to their hairy body and they transfer the carried pollen to the stigma, top of the female part of the same flower or different flower. This service of honey bees aids the reproductive success of plants.



  • Beneficial insects are efficient service providers in natural pest control. Here there is no interference of humans needed and this process will carry out by naturally existing beneficial insects. Beneficial insects feed on prey and help in keeping the pest population in check. This helps to reduce the loss of agricultural output in a significant way and also helps in increasing global crop production
  • Beneficial insects play a significant role in biological pest control. Here man uses the basic strategy of natural pest control by introducing and manipulating the predators and parasitoids purposefully to the agroecosystem to reduce the pest population
  • Beneficial insects offer us the chance to reduce the usage of chemical pest control measures and thus they help in building a sustainable ecosystem
  • Several destructive pests have developed resistance towards chemical pesticides, thus their population is not reducing even after using pesticides. But they can’t escape from the predators and parasitoids



  • Broad-spectrum insecticides can kill a wide range of insects including beneficial insects. In order to protect their population in your garden, reduce the use of broad-spectrum insecticides and use less toxic organic pest controllers
  • If you are using any insecticides, then consider spot spray only on infested plants, not on healthy ones
  • Spray neem oil or any other organic pest controllers early in the morning or in the late evening, when the insect’s activity is low
  • Flowering plants attract beneficial insects to the gardens. Plant early blooming plants so that beneficial insects can start to visit your garden in the early growing season before any pest attack
  • Grow short-statured, shrub-like plants and tall statured plants in the garden. Beetles prefer shrubs or any short-statured plants to hide. Some insects like wasps, honey bees, butterflies, and others like to feed on nectar, so tall flowering plants offer them food
  • Mulching the ground provide the preferable habitat to ground beetles
  • Create a simple water source in the garden. This helps you to keep beneficial insects hydrated



how to use Egg Shell Powder

egg shell powder for plants

 Eggshell Fertilizer For Plants

Eggshells can benefit plants in the following ways:

  1. Eggshells lower soil acidity. Many types of plants prefer low acidity in the soil to absorb nutrients and ward off toxic elements like aluminum. The calcium carbonate in eggshells lowers soil pH levels, making the soil more alkaline than acidic.
  2. Eggshells discourage blossom-end rot. Certain plants, like tomato plants, will develop black spots on the ends of their fruit due to calcium deficiency. Adding calcium from eggshell fertilizer can help fruiting plants thrive and avoid blossom-end rot.
  3. Eggshells control pests. The lingering smell of eggs inside the shell wards off deer, while the sharp edges of dry, crushed shells are hazardous for the soft bodies of snails and slugs.
  4. Eggshells encourage root growth. The calcium carbonate in eggshells helps to strengthen a plant’s roots so it can grow faster and stronger. Simply crush clean, dry eggshells into a fine powder. Add the powdered eggshells to boiling water, then cover and store the mixture for one week, uncovering it only once daily to stir it. After seven days, pour the mixture directly into the soil above the plant’s roots.

Does Eggshell Fertilizer Work for All Plants?

Eggshell fertilizer will benefit many plants, although not all plants. Eggshell fertilizer can help fruit-bearing species and vegetables, such as apples, strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, and eggplants. It will also boost certain flowers (perennials and annuals), such as roses and chrysanthemums. Eggshell fertilizer is good for succulents, but it lacks nitrogen, which some succulents might require. On the other hand, the extra calcium in eggshell fertilizer will harm to certain outdoor and indoor plants. It can cause disease in geraniums, violets, azaleas, and other acid-loving plants. Avoid using eggshell fertilizer on cabbage, beans, and spinach.

3 Ways to Make Eggshell Fertilizer

You can make eggshell fertilizer using a few different methods.

  1. Crush the eggshells. Wash and rinse eggshells and let them dry. Crush the eggshells into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle, rolling pin, or food processor. Be sure to wear a mask while crushing the shells to avoid breathing in any eggshell dust. Stir the eggshell powder into your flower bed, indoor plant’s potting mix, or vegetable garden’s soil.
  2. Grind the eggshells. In the absence of a food processor or manual tools, you can use a coffee grinder to turn eggshells into powder. Add the ground eggshells to your compost bin to make mulch or pour them directly into your planting holes. Many master gardeners add coffee grounds, which are rich in nitrogen and potassium, to eggshell fertilizer for even more of a nutrient boost.
  3. Steep the eggshells. You can use eggshells to make a fertilizer tea that will add liquid calcium to your garden. Boil a gallon of water and add ten to twenty clean, dry eggshells. Let the shells sit in the water overnight, then strain them out. Pour two cups of liquid onto each plant. Repeat the eggshell tea process every two weeks.